2025 - 2026
POSITION: Principal
Inman Intermediate
Grades 4-6
Inman, SC
Inman Intermediate School (IIS) is a school of continuous growth and achievement. A rigorous curriculum and an individualized approach to instruction help our students see measurable academic gains. We believe in providing opportunities for students that nurture the whole child.
IIS celebrates the success of our teachers and students. Teachers are recognized for their successes with Mustang Pride Shout-Outs, and student success celebrations every nine weeks at each grade level. Outstanding students are recognized every nine weeks as part of the Terrific Kid Program, and students are recognized daily for showing their Mustang PRIDE. In addition, the student body continues to participate in numerous service projects including March of Dimes, United Way, Kids in Lids Childhood Cancer Awareness, Upstate Stand Down for Homeless Veterans, Foothills Humane Society, and our Veterans Christmas Card Project.
The faculty and staff at IIS are committed to high levels of student achievement. There is an expectation that all students' strengths and areas of need are identified to provide exemplary academic experiences. The faculty of this building provides differentiated instruction daily as a result of analyzing student assessment data, as well as student classroom performance. There is a continued focus on 21st Century Learning Skills that encourage students to display critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication. The STEAM concept and design thinking process permeate the school. Children “learn by doing,” and great effort is made to nurture students’ ability to be lifelong learners, thinkers, and problem solvers.
In addition to focusing on 21st Century Learning Skills, Inman Intermediate School also focuses on Life and Career Characteristics. Daily class meeting lessons focus on the areas of integrity, self-direction, global perspective, perseverance, work ethic, and interpersonal skills. Career awareness opportunities are provided through experiences such as SCOIS Career Interest Inventories, career guest speakers, Career Fair, and Job Shadowing Day.
Inman Intermediate School is committed to providing opportunities for students to make positive choices to become productive citizens. Through involvement in numerous clubs such as the Jr. Beta Club, FCA, Student Council, Yearbook, and Recycling Club as well as character education and school-wide expectations the school's atmosphere is very positive. "Be Respectful. Be Responsible. Be Kind". This is the Mustang PRIDE way!
The successful candidate for this position should be able to continue the collaborative efforts of our students, faculty, parents, and community to provide every child at Inman Intermediate School with a quality, student-centered education.
1. Valid South Carolina Certification as elementary principal;
2. Prior experience in administration;
3. Proven skills in leadership, vision, communication, and data-driven
4. Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the Board of Trustees may
find appropriate and acceptable.
CONTRACT: 240 Days
EFFECTIVE: July 1, 2025
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Apply via the online application link on the District One Schools website. Attach a cover letter of interest and a resume to the online application.
Trish Beason, Ph.D.
Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and
District One Schools Spartanburg County
P.O. Box 218
Campobello, South Carolina 29322
It shall be the policy of Spartanburg District One Schools to maintain employment practices that are free of discrimination based on race, sex, color, religion, national origin, immigrant status, English-speaking status, veteran status, or disability. The employment practices of the district shall conform with Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and all other applicable Civil Rights Laws. |